Advanced and Professional Care
Advanced Life Support
Orange Cross Ambulance provides Advanced Life Support (ALS) for 911 and interfacility transfers when patients require advanced monitoring, interventions, or medications during transport. ALS care is provided by Advanced Emergency Medical Technicians, Paramedics, and Critical Care Paramedics. Advance Life Support (ALS) units are utilized when patients require a higher level of care than an EMT can provide alone, but do not require the same level of intensive care as Specialty Care patients. Patients who may require ALS transport include:
Medical/surgical patients who are receiving medication via continuous IV infusion
Patients who require Cardiac Monitoring
Obstetrical Patients
Any patient deemed to have a potential complication during transport when report is received from the sending facility
Specialty Care Transport
Specialty Care Transport (SCT) is the interfacility transportation of critically sick or injured patients requiring the provision of care at a level beyond the scope of a Paramedic. Specialty Care Ambulances provide Emergency and ICU level care. They often carry equipment such as multi-channel infusion pumps, invasive and noninvasive advanced monitoring equipment, mechanical ventilators, balloon pumps, incubation units and a broader range of medications. Critical Care Paramedics or RN's and Paramedics/AEMTs typically makeup the teams who provide medical treatment on Specialty Care Units. Patients who might require specialty care transport can include:
Post Cardiac Arrest Patients
Head Injuries
Heart Failure
Respiratory Failure/Arrest
Severe Hypertension
Threats to fetal/maternal life
Major Trauma